About Factory Direct Pool Liners, Inc.
Factory Direct Liners has been in the swimming pool business since 1965. In the nearly 50 years since, they have built over 5,000 in-ground vinyl lined pools, over 600 Gunite pools (a number of which were large commercial installations), manufactured and installed tens of thousands of pool liners both in-ground and above ground, and sold thousands of liners to our network of dealers in the United States, Central American and parts of Europe.
Each of our new & replacement pool liners is designed by technicians using high-tech CAD (computer-aided design) software, ensuring a perfect fit every time.
Factory Direct Liners, Inc., owns the exclusive rights to sell and market Spartan Pool Products, a name that has been associated with the highest quality pool products for 60 years.
Our production process delivers superior-quality liners backed by a 15-year warranty. We specialize in handling the more difficult sizes and shapes.
Our relationship with the manufacturers puts us in a position to supply name-brand quality pool products such as safety covers, spa covers, pool fitters, etc. at competitive pricing.