
Spring opening is one of the most exciting times of the year for any pool owner! March 24 2020

Spring opening is one of the most exciting times of the year for any pool owner!

After months of cold weather, it is beginning to warm up in time for the swimming season. Even though the sun is shining and the water is warm, the pool isn’t quite ready for swimmers.

We are here to help you open your pool, with all the equipment and chemicals you need to get started. With a little bit of work, you will be on your way to having a clean pool and a stress-free spring opening!

Use our 'Maintaining Your Water Chemistry' checklist to make sure your pool remains ready to use throughout the season!

If you are a new pool owner or are taking care of your pool for the first time, you may want to call us at (770) 458-5900. We'd be happy to help you!

January Pool Tip January 15 2016

Even though it is January, your pool may still need attention!
If you  have not winterized your pool, 
Please be sure to run your equipment 
if the temperature dips into the 20's or below.....
standing water in the pool plumbing can 
freeze causing pipes to crack and leak.
Stay warm!!


Factory Direct Liners, famous for their custom vinyl pool liners, has opened an online store for all of the pool supplies you would find in their store!